name is Tanya Blanding, and you have taken the opportunity to speak with me and possibly obtain my many years of Fashion Industry experience to assist you in your current challenges.
ot only will my team and I assist you, but will walk with you down the correct path in order to start a fashion line and have it produced and ready to ship to stores.
I started my own consulting business and it has been very successful so much so that other very well-known companies have contracted my team and I to do design consultant work for them, a trouble shooter for fashion believe it or not you need one.
I have found many of my clients are reluctant to ask certain questions but, know that there is no such thing as a bad question and I encourage you utilize my knowledge and ask as many as you can.
he fashion industry is a very hard field and most hold the information of their success very precious and will not reveal certain things again once we establish a working relationship I am an open book at your service.
I thank you in advance for considering my services and ask that you review the following pages so you can get an idea of my consulting services that are available and when you’re ready we can proceed.
I look forward to working with you.